EGI’s core services are geared toward environmental consulting and the construction industry. We provide the know-how to insure a project moves through the process while complying with all applicable regulations, laws and standards.
EGI’s primary services include California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Quality Act (NEPA) compliance. We have a wealth of experience in both arenas having worked on a full breadth of projects requiring varying levels of environmental review.
EGI is proficient in preparation of the following documents:
- Initial Studies (IS)
- Negative Declarations (ND)
- Mitigated Negative Declarations (IS/ND/MND)
- Categorical Exemptions/Exclusions (CE)
- Environmental Impact Reports (EIR)
- Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
- Environmental Assessments (EA)
- Finding of No Significant Impacts (EA/FONSI)
In addition to managing preparation of the above documents, EGI also teams with strategic partners to provide technical assistance in the following disciplines:
- Air Quality Analysis
- Biological Surveys and Report Preparation
- Cultural Resource Surveys and Report Preparation
- Drainage, Hydrology and Water Quality Studies
- Economic Impact Analysis
- Fiscal Impact Analysis
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Noise Studies
- Traffic Studies
- Visual Simulations
Project management involves the ability to balance multiple tasks, agencies and individuals while moving towards a common goal.
EGI provides project management services to support environmental compliance for a full spectrum of development including residential, commercial, industrial, government, institutional, and infrastructure projects. We know how to keep a project on track and work through challenges as they arise. Let EGI assist you with navigating your next project through the environmental review process.
Our contract planning services include project-based assignments.
EGI assists municipal governments with project management, policy and research analysis, land use and development regulations, environmental project leads, and updating General Plans and Specific Plans.
EGI approaches contract planning assignments with a fresh perspective. We understand the nuances of public agencies and we are diligent at quickly acquiring an understanding of the different codes, policies, and politics of all the agencies in which we work.
With a background in public sector planning, we have an excellent understanding of the inner-workings of public agencies, and a great appreciation for the demands placed upon agency staff. We integrate quickly into agency settings and accommodate our clients’ needs with utmost professionalism.
Mitigation Monitoring is a comprehensive service to assist clients in carrying out the intent of CEQA/NEPA as it applies to environmental mitigation.
EGI’s qualified staff has experience in working on a broad range of projects in various jurisdictions. Our mitigation monitoring team includes experienced professionals who have the knowledge to create and implement a mitigation monitoring program.
EGI provides assurance and documentation that the studies and actions identified in mitigation measures adopted with an approved project are being performed as planned in compliance with local, state and federal requirements. We provide a range of Mitigation Monitoring services from minor assistance with developing a mitigation ordinance/policy; to assisting with an existing mitigation program; to creating and establishing a new mitigation monitoring program from the ground up.